Hello and Welcome
Hey there, welcome to my humble home. I guess the current reason you're staying here is because you want to finish reading this sentence.
And magical beings do exist, here I'll show you:
Anyway, this is supposed to tell you how to navigate around, there you go:
GIRL = My profile page
STORYBOOK = My blog entries
CONVERSE = My comment page
ESCAPES = Links to all my crazy friends.
There, its my dictionary so all of you can know what goes where and it wont be
so confusing trying to understand my language.
You're welcome.
That Girl
Hi, I'm Janice. Puppies are amazing creatures. School is the worst building
ever created. What were the builders thinking? Music's beautiful. And no, Music
is not a person. I mean MELODY MUSIC. Okay? Jeez, whats the matter with you
people. Anyway. Have a
wonderful day and may butterflies and rainbows follow you wherever you go.

random update
Why is there an au behind my URL? That' s offensive. I'm offended now.

I'm going on a hiatus. I promise I'm not quitting, I just need a little break for blogger. I haven't got any inspiration to write anymore because possessing young minds with crazy thoughts isn't as fun anymore with all the spammers running around trying to advertise links. Blogger isn't very much fun anymore as it becomes more commercialized. I'll also be silently working on my archives. I'll be back, I just don't know when yet.

November Post
And since the last post was in September, it's only sensible that I post another one in case one of you think that I've succeeded in finding the unicorn race.
Heaps of stuff have been happening to me in term 4. Whilst most of you are already on holidays -glare-, I still have school for the next 3 weeks.
The weirdest thing is that I'm doing this post up when I should be doing other things *cough* assignments *cough*. See the things I do for you?
Boredom makes you achieve great things... and also do alot of stupid ones.
During this time period, things that has happened in my school has given me more reason to dislike it and runaway to Africa and never return when I graduate.
Hmmm let's see.
1. My school has been busted for drug and cigarette possession.
2. Someone I knew just tried to suicide
3. During muck up day, a car just crashed into the school gates
And my school is the 3rd best public school in Melbourne... lols, what are all the other ones like?
Oh yes, I forgot to tell you all that it's SPRING!
If you were wondering if I said that in a sarcastic enthusiastic way or if I was really enthusiastic, let me refresh your memory of an event that happened last year.
There's a long story about that, somewhere in my blog archives (I've locked it for now, but I'll reopen it again)
But long story short:
A bird just tried to kill me.
I also happened to notice that birds like killing me in Spring. It's not like I'm a dinosaur and want to eat their eggs right?
The birds in Singapore always give way to me, but the birds here are so cocky. ff
I like jello.
see ya

Just popping by the say hey
So I haven't been blogging for the longest time
because I've been preoccupied with heaps of stuff, like school work, class
work, tuition work, Chinese work...
Just kidding, I don't do work
If you want to blame someone for my lack of blog post, blame my sister. Sorry, I
just needed someone to blame, and I blame you, little sister (so maybe she's my
bigger sister but I still believe that something went wrong years ago and our
identities got swapped, how can she be the bigger sister? All youngish
and childish and all).
So my sister introduced me to a Korean variety show and I've been watching it
ever since. It's all her fault! Go blame her!
So this post is to basically tell you that no, I am not dead or have been hit by
a car or struck by lightning or a tree or toilet papered someone's house and had
to go jail.
It's none of these things. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm alive well
and kicking butt but too lazy to blog a blog post.
So yes.
Now you know
Okay, I'm leaving, byeee

And here's Spongebob. Yay

Ninjas have been around for FOREVER, roaming every street and leaving no city untouched. That’s right, in other words, you’re not safe! That janitor in your school? That’s right, he could be one of them. Deng deng deng!!!
Before we talk about avoiding the masters of deceit and secrecy, we should probably move on to the sub topic of their very existence. Ninjas were created to spy and assassinate. In other words, if you’re a really really really really really really really important person, chances are, you’re being hunted down by a ninjas right now.
Oh, and ninjas are also masters of disguise. They can disguise as absolutely anything without triggering the slightest hint of something being a little off. For example, your neighbour who’s picking up his newspaper on the front porch is really implanting tiny grass coloured grenades on their lawn. Don’t worry if you didn’t realize, all it takes is a super genius mega hyper extra massive x-ray vision to detect such subtle moves. Oh... right... you don't have one. But even then, a SGMHEMXRV (super genius mega hyper extra massive x-ray vision) might miss the subtle hint if not careful. Or how about the repair man who came and fix your dishwashing equipment? Why, he could have planted a bug in your home without being detected.
They can be hidden almost anywhere. See anything around the house that's not supposed to be there? Like that lamp over there? There's a 95.55% chance that it's a ninja. The 5.55% chance is it's a squirrel. Did you know that 1 out of 102.544 people in the world are ninjas? There's right, if you've got a hundred and three people in your family, chances are, one of them's a ninja.
There are several ways to identify a ninja. Firstly, a ninja has extremely pale and bad skin. Why, with all that fighting and training, their skin would be tattered and battered, even shedding can't save them. Ninjas wear cloaks to disguise with stationary objects. They are covered from head to bottom except for their eyes, and therefore would be the palest creatures to ever roam. Secondly, you know a ninja's a ninja when he uses a black umbrella. No, I'm not trying to be racist here, I love all umbrellas, black, white, orange, green, but black is the trademark colour of the ninjas. And no, please don't go about screaming: NINJA when you see someone using a black umbrella. Not all of them are ninjas.
There are simple precautions you can take to avoid meeting a ninja, or worse, facing one. See, looking a ninja in the eye is the end of your life. Ninjas don't like to be identified and would exterminate anyone who looks them in the eye. *shifty eyes*.
The one thing you should never say to a ninja is:
I see you or it's just you and me buddy
I don't know, they just don't like it.
When facing a ninja, there is only one thing to do...
Yes... you may run, but you can't hide...

Blogger Rant
I absolutely hate it when people do not read the rules on your page and do exactly the thing you specifically told them not to. For example, I hate it when people tag my cbox only just to link their page.
People probably thinks "It doesn't affect you, so why should you care?" Um yeah, it does affect me? Obviously it doesn't affect me in the sense that I feel physically damaged or when I step on a lego piece. But I get sooo pissed when I see spammers.
Firstly, they have no respect for me. By violating the rules, your comment here is done and deleted. I don't mind if you tag my cbox, but don't bring your link with it because let's face it, you're only here because you want me to view your page.
I do block spammers and there is no expiry for their banned date. Spam once and you're dead and gone.
I don't know, I just don't freaking care about your stupid page okay? People these days are sooo attention seeking. I don't care about your stupid contest entries or your products or an article you wrote. Because if I did, you wouldn't need to tell me about it.
I'm sorry if you think I'm rude, but you should have paid attention to the rules.
If you're that desperate for attention, go do it properly like everyone else, pay an for an ad or something, don't freaking do it the cheap way, because at the end of the day, spam comments are ignored anyway.
This is so freaking ridiculous, can't you freaking READ THE FREAKING RULES?
But no, you have to go on to my cbox and spam with your website. NO ONE CARES K? K.

Many people have asked me this question over and over again that it has exceeded the number of people in Times Square. They go:
“Where’d you get the name rain angel from?”
Before you judge me with your little minds of how I believe in fairies and things you don’t believe in, I wasn’t thinking… much.
Well see, on that very day of creating a blog along with her URL, it was really, really warm, so warm, it could melt your ice-cream in just two seconds. I decided to put an end to weathers like these. I thought: What if I could?
Then an idea which I wished never struck me, did. I could summon the rain angel! Then perhaps she’d conjure up rain and I’d save Singapore from its forever tyrannical heat waves.
That was exactly what I did.
I tried chanting her name like five thousand times, making my blog URL her name and whatever I did, most likely had her included. Yeah, I even made a short form of her name: RA (Rain angel). Which went unexpectedly bad because no one really knew what that meant. Their sad attempts of guessing: Raspberry Anchovies and Royal Adversary were all debunked. And what the hell is a Royal Adversary supposed to mean?
I refuse to say my blog address out loud because then maybe you might forgive me and forget all about the URL.
If you’re wondering why I can't change the name, I probably shouldn’t even try...
But I did, and here were the names I came up with:
Fairy Dusts:
It's pretty natural for me to come up with the name fairy dust. It's a rather nice name if I must say so myself but alas, no, I can't risk exposing the fairies to the world of humans, what atrocity! Can you imagine the havoc it'll create? If humans found out about the fairy dusts, what would happen to the fairies, I don't suppose there'd be any left for them, no.
I totally typed this Fairy Dust column with a British accent.
Cotton Candy Land:
Cotton Candy Land was my first option and really, who doesn't like cotton candy? (besides the same people who claim to have seen aliens). I could bring you there sometime but you mustn't disturb the natives, they have a candy cane.
Unicorn Valley
This is my all time favourite place. I know right, all my blog URL options are named after places. Unicorn Valley, just like its name suggests is inhabited by the most magical beings to have ever been discovered. Unicorns! They are gentle, mythical creatures and is impossible to capture.
Cupcake Icicles
... Mmm... No, I don't know where this one came from.

And here is a list of people willing to put up with my crazyness. Go
ahead, click on one if your really that desperate to leave me and my insane blog.
Ren Rong
Qi Yan
Jing Lin
Hui Xin
Wei Hao
Jing Xuan
My sister (Esther):
Oh, my sister got tired of my previous blogskin and decided to make me a new one. So here, this pretty purple skin is made by her.
And this is her
blog and all her stupid pictures.
And this is her
blogskins account. So you can go support her blogskins. But I don't think she even logs in anymore.
Past Entries
You enter a large library filled with big book shelves. And you're pretty sure
that this maniac doesn't read books. You slowly creep up on the shelves and
slowly investigate, as you reach out to seize one of the pretty books, you get
an electric zap, then a threatening voice, presumably a device in the book
screams out, "please enter password." In a panic, you drop the book
and rush off. You quickly stuff the security locked book into the back of all
the other books, and scurry off, pretending nothing happened.